
Table of Contents

Tableau Software is an interactive data visualization software company focused on business intelligence. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end-users to create their own reports and dashboards. 

Creating a Tableau app

Click on the Tableau app within your app gallery to add it and fill in the app details as follows:

  1. Name is required for the app and an optional Description for it.
  2. Type your Tableau email address and password to log in to your Tableau account.
  3. Enable and choose the Refresh Interval of your graph (default rate is 60 seconds).
  4. In the Enter URL field, paste the URL of the desired graph from your Tableau account. 
  5. In the Fallback Image field, choose to have an image if the player goes offline for some reason.
  6. Set the Default Duration that the app will appear in a playlist.
  7. Click “Save,” and your app is ready to use. Assign it to your player and the player will display the relative graph.

Tableau’s Final Result