Table of Contents

Grafana is a multi-platform open-source analytics and interactive visualization web application. It provides charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources.
Creating a Grafana App
Click on the Grafana Bi app within your app gallery to add it and fill in the app details as follows:
- A Name is required for the app and an optional Description for it.
- Type your Grafana username and password to log in to your Grafana account.
- Choose the Refresh Interval of your graph.
- In the Enter Board URL field, paste the URL of the desired graph from your Grafana account.
- In the Fallback Image field, choose to have an image if the player goes offline for some reason.
- Set the Default Duration so that the app will appear in a playlist.
- Click “Save,” and your app is ready to use.
Grafana Final Result