5D.1 Instagram

Table of Contents

Display your Instagram pictures in a slideshow or a wall easily. Just log in with your Instagram account and style your app with your preferences. The app will refresh and get new posts every 30 minutes by default.

Creating an Instagram app

Click on the Instagram app within your app gallery to add it, and fill in the app details as follows:

  1. Name is required for the app and an optional Description for it.
  2. Authorize the Instagram app to use your Instagram account by clicking the Login With Instagram button.
  3. After clicking button, a new window will appear, and it will prompt you to type your credentials and click the Allow button.
  4. Choose the Background Color for your Instagram app.
  5. Choose the Max Number of Images you like to see if you don’t enable the Slideshow toggle.
  6. Set the Default Duration that the app will appear in a playlist.
  7. You can set the Play From/Play Until parameters. In other words, you can select the expiration date, which means that you can choose the exact date and time that this app will play in your playlist. We recommend selecting the “Always” and “Forever” settings for the app to never expire.
  8. Click Save and your app is ready to use.

Slideshow Settings

Upon completing the above general settings for your Instagram app, you can choose to see your images in a Slideshow.

  1. Choose the duration (in seconds) for each image.
  2.  Choose a fitting option for your images (Fit, Crop, Stretch)


Does Instagram support videos?

A: No, it supports only images without the description

Can we create and connect 2 or more accounts?

A: No, it’s not supported to use 2 or more accounts under an account.