The Status report is from an already registered player. If you don’t register any player and click the Status tab, you will see just a blank report with null values.
If you want an updated status report of your player, you can click the “Refresh” button at the top-right corner of the Status tab.
- See below for a quick explanation of what is being reported:
- Screen ID: A unique ID helping Tech Support to troubleshoot an issue.
- Status last updated: Displays the date and time of the last status report.
- Hardware Version: Displays the version of the hardware of your player.
- Software Version: Displays the installed software version of your player.
- Hostname: Shows the hostname of your device.
- Screen Resolution: The resolution of the screen that the player is connected to via HDMI.
- Storage: The total and available free storage space on the SD card.
- Browser Session Data Size: The size of cached data from various web sessions. Click the “Clear” button, to delete the cache.
- Uptime: Measuring the total time that your player is powered on
- Wi-Fi status: Displays the SSID, Quality, and Signal Strength from the connected wireless network.
- HDMI Connected: It indicates that an HDMI cable is already connected to the player and the screen.
- TV Status: It takes three possible values:
- On
- Off
- ? – it means that the player couldn’t get a proper report from your TV confirming if it is on or off
- Power Supply: It takes two possible values:
- Green Status
- Red Status – it means that the Raspberry Pi runs at low voltage, and the PSU needs to be changed.
- Color Depth: The Color Depth you selected from the Sound/Display settings.
- CPU Temperature: Displays the CPU temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- CPU Load: Shows the CPU for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
- RAM: Shows the Total, Available, and currently Used amount of memory.
- Swaps: Shows the available Size of swap memory and currently Used.
- Public IP: The Public IP address of the player.
- wlan0: Displays the wireless network information of your player.
- eth0: Displays the wired network information of your player.
- Locked Down: Shows if the player is locked down or not (Enterprise plan only).
- Encrypted: It shows if the partition that stores media files on the SD card have been encrypted or not (Enterprise plan only).